Ireland-day 3

"Blarney is more than flattery. It is flattery sweetened by humor and flavored by wit." -John O'Connor Power

Today mom and I kissed the Blarney Stone at Blarney Castle. Blarney Castle in County Cork looms the sky in the middle of all these vast beauties of gardens and trails that are almost as much of a site to see as the castle itself. However, the castle is the home to the famous Blarney Stone. Legend has it that kissing this stone will give you the gift of eloquence (if you don't know much about this legend, here is a link with some more info). Mom and I were both aware it was going to be a climb to get to the top of the castle where the stone is, and that we would have to be in the same position as is in the link in order to kiss it. However, we did not realize until our recent escapades how fond Irish castles were of tiny, steep spiral staircases that could be the demise of any human. The people of medieval Ireland must have had leg muscles as tough as the stone walls of the castle. 127 of those little joys later (and yes I Googled the number is that's not an exaggeration), and we were at the top.
As many people know,  heights are not my friend, and standing on the top of that castle took my breath away, but for a different reason than fear or the stairs. I could see the expanse of breathtaking scenery in the country that surrounded me. I hadn't realized how beautiful things can be on the other side of facing my insecurities. Every day I am reminded why I wanted to come here so badly.
After the castle, we strolled through the gardens, taking in the natural beauty of the place.  Each landmark within the many gardens had some sort of folklore or story that went with it. The Irish are a storytelling people, and it makes it even better when there's a little Emerald Isle magic thrown in. They really embrace their history here and its infectious.
Much to do tomorrow, and trying to get an earlyish night in tonight. Here's hoping for little or no spiral staircases.



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