The Emerald Isle

The movie P.S. I Love You came out when I was a junior in high school.  My friends fell in love with Gerard Butler and the tear-inducing love story.  I fell in love as well, but not with the story or any of the actors, but with Ireland.  I had an interest in Ireland before, because of the probable Irish heritage I have and being the proud owner of red hair, but this was something different. I watched the movie, intent on the beautiful landscapes, scenery, and accents, and that's when I decided. I wanted to visit Ireland someday.
Fast-forwarding to my senior year of college, which was many BBC shows and Ireland-based movies afterward, and my mother and I had concocted a plan that we would take a trip to Ireland for my graduation.  At this point she, with some encouragement from me, wanted to see the country as well.  However, as with life, priorities and practicality won out and, while I definitely do not wish things differently in the least and am ever-grateful for what I got instead, it just means it delayed plans for a trip, which was for the best since we were rushing to plan anyway.
This brings us to now. In slightly less than three days, my mother and I will be on a plane to somewhere that I have wanted to visit for over ten years.  We will be spending six days in Ireland visiting places that we have merely read about. It still has not hit me yet that we will actually be going to Ireland, I don't think, until the plane actually lands.
Mom and  will be using this for a "travel blog," so to speak.  We will try to keep it as updated as possible, just so people that are interested can at least see where we are and some of the things we are experiencing, which right now is mainly just frustration on what to pack.



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