Home Again, Home Again Jiggity Jig

Years ago, during our travels when Katie was growing up, we would end trips with what was your favorite part and/or what did you learn.  So, we have been home from Ireland for two weeks, and I feel like I need to answer those questions.

One of the first things I learned in Ireland was about meals.  We ate in both pubs and restaurants.  As you would expect, the pubs tend to be loud, but, to my surprise, so were the restaurants.  Not obnoxious loud; loud with conversations, stories, laughter... It was a beautiful sound.  No one is on cell phones; they are talking to each other and enjoying mutual company.  And the establishments encourage this.  You are not usually given a ticket until you ask for it.  Many times the wait staff leaves you alone, but if you need something, they are not offended if you ask.  I loved the chatter and meals being events to be enjoyed.

Also, we didn't have telephone access and if we needed to get in touch with the non-Ireland world, we had to wait until we had Wi-Fi and communicate through email or Facebook.  I learned to not be so dependent on my phone.  Things I thought I had to share or talk to someone about could wait until night when I was able to communicate. 

The parts where we visited, the Irish were a gracious people and catered to tourists.  Perhaps at times we become overly suspicious of people not like us, and that is all I am going to expound on that subject.

I learned about time.  The Irish are not early risers, but they get a lot done in a day.  I found that by nightfall, which was usually after nine, I was more than ready for bed, having filled my day from rising to falling.  We didn't overly plan our days which meant that we could enjoy each place we visited to the full extent.  I think that was a wise decision.

My favorite part might be a tougher thing to answer.  I spent most of the trip not believing we were actually there.  The beauty, the culture, the atmosphere, it was all so unbelievable.  There were so many moments on the trip that we just stood and absorbed our surroundings, and I saw so many other people doing that.  Cameras and phones down just taking in every sensory image you could.  I loved the farm land, but on the next leg of the journey, I fell in love with the ocean and then the mountains.  I guess my favorite part is actually being able to take the trip that we saved for and share it with my friend, my traveling companion, my partner in crime, my daughter.

-- MW


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