Ireland --Day 2

Ireland is the vacation place for golfers and in that light, I am keeping score of my driving. Yesterday was two horn honks and one missed round-a-bout turn.  Today, was still one missed round-a-bout but no horn honking. It's good when your score goes down.
Today, our first full day in Ireland, was a visit to Limerick to see King John's Castle and St. Mary's Cathedral. The passion of the Irish is evident in their history, their persistence to be their own people with their own culture. And who doesn't love a good story of blood, decapitation, and dead bodies drug from their graves and hung by their heels, only to be found three years later?  The cathedral played a part in the Irish fight for independence, so it was a on today's tour. Incidentally, there were dead bodies in that tour as well, entombed in the cathedral. 
We ate at the oldest pub in Limerick, Katie Daley's, and you can venture a guess as to why. And, ended the evening with ice cream and listening to traditional Irish music. 
I realized a few things today. We are actually in Ireland. Katie has waited 10 years for this moment. And Ireland has not disappointed. God has kissed this land; it is absolutely beautiful and that doesn't even begin to describe it. There is a feeling of utter enjoyment here, the people, the food, the landscape. The stories in the pub, the relaxed atmosphere, walking and absorbing the sites ... I can't wait for tomorrow.
--  MW


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